
时间:2024-02-18 10:54:32




As is vividly depicted in the picture , with a clear cracking sound , two bowls clashed into each other , in which the shinning one keeps its integrity , whereas the shabby one breaks into pieces. Just like being symbolically revealed in the set of drawing, the fact that the intact bowl, as a symbol of soly-invested companies , overwhelms the broken bowl representing the state-owned companies, with collision standing for fierce companies, profoundly indicates that it is time that our state-owned comp ……此处隐藏8114个字……a pig" is an ancient article about Zeng Zi's use of his actions to educate children to keep their promises and be honest with others. At the same time, this story also teaches adults that their words and deeds have a great impact on children. Treat people sincerely and don't deceive others, otherwise you will educate your children into a person who is not sincere to others.

I believe there are many such examples around us. When making an agreement with a partner, you must keep your promise and do what you say before you can harvest friendship and be an honest friend.

Let's study together, be honest and speak of good intentions. Integrity middle school students start from me!

This is the end of my speech. Thank you!


