英文翻译合同1Contract of Loan
甲方: 合同编号:
Party A: Contract No:
Party B: China Manufacturing Solutions(China) Ltd
Party A and Party have reached an agreement to conclude the following contract:
一、 甲方同意无息借款给乙方,作为购买生产设备用。
1. Party A agrees to supply a Interest-free loan to party B
for purchasing production facility.
二、 借款金额:USD25 万元,(美金贰拾伍万美元整)
2. Loan Amounts: USD 250,000(two hundred and fifty thousand US Dollar)
2. 租赁期满后,乙方应在 日内将房屋交还甲方;任何滞留物,如未取得甲方谅解,均视为放弃,任凭甲方处置,乙方决无异议。
When the lease term expires, Party B will return the premises and attached facilities to PartyA within days. Any belongings left in it without Party A's previous understanding will bedeemed to be abandoned by Party B. In this situation, Party A has the right to dispose of itand Party B will raise no objection.
3. 本合同一经双方签字后立即生效;未经双方同意,不得任意终止,如有未尽事宜,甲、乙双方可另行协商。
This contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. Any party has no right toterminate this contract without another party’s agreement. Anything not covered in thiscontract will be discussed separately by both parties.
9. Breach of the contract